Commercial transport is critical for the global economy, keeping goods and trade flowing. In the U.S. alone, trucks haul 70% of all freight, but this sector accounts for over 25% of all fuel consumed globally. As you may know, in tandem with fuel use, managing CO2 is a global industry and societal concern. To avoid the worst effects of climate change, Shell is dedicated to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050.

Taking steps to reduce fuel consumption of trucks by improving fuel economy is not only good for the bottom line, but also a contributor to tackling emissions.

DID YOU KNOW? A fuel saving of 1% by U.S. highway trucks would save 1 million diesel gallons per day. That’s the equivalent to a daily fuel saving of $2,700,000.

Shell is committed to helping fleets meet these challenges. We are regularly working with businesses of all sizes to help the improve fuel economy, vehicle reliability and achieve lower maintenance. In the last five years, we have worked with fleets to help them save $23 million. Through specialist technical services and expertise, Shell Lubricants enables fleets to realize the full value of a high-performing lubricants and grease portfolio.

Shell offers:

Shell is dedicated to helping you adopt the most effective lubrication strategies for your fleets. Check out our lubricant services and start improving fuel economy today:

  1. Shell LubeAnalyst: Oil analysis service that allows customers assess lubricant condition, identify potential problems, and provides guidance on interpretation of results
  2. Shell LubeVideoCheck: Videoscope diagnostic service used to discretely inspect engines
  3. Shell LubeChat: Free virtual assistant that provides instant lubricant information and recommendations
  4. Shell LubeCoach: A customized training program, led by Shell technical experts, which offers practical coaching to customers’ staff on lubricant management techniques
  5. Shell LubeAdvisor: Our technical advisors who can provide you a detailed condition assessment of your site and procedures

*Based on annual diesel consumption reported by the

Small Things Can Make a Big Difference

Priorities for increasing fuel economy.

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